wait a minute, can you tell
詹姆斯-亚低头,抱着怀中的约翰看不出她在想什么,只见她低语道:john, don' t worry, i will avenge you!说完便将约翰放置在地上。
gee, what i don' t particularly like is that others hold guns against my forehead! in that case, i' ll send you on your way. i' m chinese. don' t forget that i' m the one who killed you. go!墨九寒恶狠狠的说道,仿佛真的要把眼前的人解决掉。
i' m so unkind, so don' t blame me for being rude. i thought you were an excellent hacker and planned to bring you under my command, but now it seems unnecessary. take my life, ho ~go down and stay with my john!说着便将不知道哪里来的枪对准了墨九寒的额头。
双目赤红的盯着墨九寒,眼神中越发的狠厉,嘴里说道:who the hell are you? why are you fighting against us everywhere and killing all my men?
只听传来持续两分钟的声响之后便没有了声音,詹姆斯-亚嘴角微微上扬,暗道:ah ~ i' ll see where you' re going this time。想着便笑眯眯自信的转身再次进入了房间,可是房间的一幕瞬间让詹姆斯-亚惊呆了。
who am i? you don' t deserve to know, but i don' t mind if you call me dad. i can spare your life.擦着刚刚弄脏的匕首,霸气的说道。
原来是詹姆斯-亚的一众手下都已经被一刀毙命,只剩下了还在苟延残喘的约翰,急忙扶起约翰询问道:john, are you all right? why can' t you even deal with him?
约翰仅剩最后一口气,叮嘱道:home owner, go quickly. this man is not easy to mess with. he is not an ordinary hacker. he...话还没说完,约翰也没了咽了气。
it seems that your backstage is very hard! you have the courage to shout at me, james yah. i am suddenly very interested in you! i want you to taste the taste that life is worse than death. john, take it. jie jie ~詹姆斯-亚阴森森的笑着出了房门。留下了约翰以及一众手下来对付墨九寒。
your boxing family well. you can' t touch me!墨九寒轻蔑的说道。